August 5, 2020, 10:39 AM
I. INTRODUCTION Video Editors are accountable for the post-production of a video segment or production. These honed professionals are liable for gathering video recorded raw materials and creating a synchronized video output that can be acquired for personal or monetary use. The materials that are generally accompanied by their expertise are, video trimming, sound dialogue, sound design, mixing or effects, 2D and 3D model graphics and special effects. Video Editors can establish their career as a freelancer or reach into media companies or film production studios. The approach of a film editor in their craft is a creative process that is being upheld by their personal motivation. Freelance Video Editing is considered to be an intensive work. Freelancers frequently have to strive for work with other freelance editors in order to be involved with numerous productions at any given time. The mutual mindset of freelancers is selecting their desired path because of its benefits. These professionals have farther control and liberty with their craft such as selecting their work clients, wanting a work schedule liberally, gathering their co-workers, choosing a workplace, and indicating their own monetary rate per video output. Freelance Video Editors being perceived as the one who’s in the driver seat is obligated to apply their discipline, persistence, organization, and communication skills to be successful in this field. (Blancada, 2019). In the Philippines, Filipino video editors is somewhat perceived to be belittled and undervalued because of the perception of freelance video editing career not being a job-entry level. According to Andrew Burke, the prevailing vigorous economy is thoroughly correlated with freelancers through core aspects such as portfolio work, irregular, and reliant labor contracts, self-employment and outsourcing. Yet remarkably, there has been little research investigating the economic reputation of freelance workers in their own right. The author understood that the tactical role of freelancers has been disregarded and overlooked because most research that has been approved on freelancers has been driven by other extents of the labor market and not by the central interest in freelance workers themselves. A freelance worker is frequently the product of a push effect where a person involuntarily becomes a freelance worker due to scrawny bargaining power with employers. In such situations, freelance workers can get worse pay and circumstances than employees on stable job contracts. (Burke, 2011). The data that will be gathered on the analysis of the stability on the compensation of freelance video editors from Mapua University will enhance and heighten the knowledge of students specifically college students who are taking up Bachelor of Arts in Multimedia, Digital Cinema or Filmmaking, or any media related courses, the aspiring freelance video editors that is fervent to share its creative work to its clients and lastly, future researchers and media practitioners. Furthermore, these students would understand and determine the approximate wages that they could possibly earn in working as a freelance video editor in terms of a specific event or project. In this paper the researcher takes a broader perspective to assess and determine the stability of the compensation of Freelance Video Editors from Mapua University whether they are being paid Objectively with their exerted creative effort for their clients are justified in terms of wages, and certain underlying factors that affects their compensation. The researcher will be focusing on the Filipino video editing working-class community and Philippine Peso would be the currency basis of the study. A tool for analyzing different compensation data and information is a survey questionnaire with the use of google forms solely for selected respondents specifically freelance video editors from Mapua University would be an efficient and effective way to gather data for the said research. This study aims to answer the following questions: Research Questions 1.Why is there an existing perception of video editors being undervalued and belittled? 2.What are the possible underlying factors that affects their compensation and creates an unpleasant perception towards employers/clients? 3.What could a freelance video editor do to eliminate misconceptions and dilemmas throughout their career? II. METHODOLOGY A. Overview The research approach influences design and provides an opportunity to consider benefits and limitations of various approaches available to the researcher. This paper uses the qualitative method to explore the research questions as it allows the researcher to conduct in-depth explorations of a particular phenomenon (Creswell, 2003). The researcher will use Qualitative Methodology because it is the best-suited methodology for this research. The research questions will be answered clearly by using the survey questionnaire the researcher have prepared. Utilizing a survey questionnaire, the researcher will gather the answers, whilst the respondents will answer with their own perspective on the research topic based on the survey questions. The first step that the researcher will do is to create and formulate research questions that is related to the research and may help the researcher achieve its objectives. The next step is to find the participants that are fit to be our respondents. These are stated in the respondent’s profile as part of the methodology. And finally, the last step will be to interpret the data that will be acquired from the respondents. Purposive sampling was used. According to Crossman (2018), “A purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. Purposive sampling is also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling.†Purposive sampling was used in the context that freelancers within the video editing profession, who were members of the working class were chosen to make the results more accurate and credible. B. Respondent’s Profile The respondents will be Filipino Freelance Video Editors from Mapua University who are currently monetized from producing video editing projects from events or film productions. The respondents are undergraduate working student and a full-time freelance video editor from Mapua University. All of the respondents have enough knowledge about the Freelance business community and the Entrepreneurial culture of the Philippines. Regardless of age, gender, educational attainment, religion, and social status, the respondents were mostly mapuans who are currently enrolled and Alumni from Mapua University who took Bachelor of Arts in “media-related courses†which are qualified to give opinions about the said research. C. Respondents Locale The respondents of the research will be located mainly in the Philippines, and the majority of the respondents are current and former students from Mapúa University - Intramuros Campus. Philippine Peso will be the currency basis of the research paper. The Survey Questionnaire will not be distributed to the respondents personally except, survey questionnaire will be distributed and gathered virtually through the use of google forms. D. Data Gathering Procedure The researcher composed a letter of approval on conducting the study among the respondents that has been selected for this research. The survey questionnaire contained 13 modified questions in order for the researcher to obtain the data that is needed for the study. In a proper context, as this research paper is the first as far as the researcher know of in the Philippines. The procedure for the data gathering will make use of the survey questions through google forms to record the opinions of the respondents, with regards to the stability of their monetization. These questions will be composed of both close-ended and open-ended questions, which will assess the respondent’s valued thoughts and opinions about the research topic. After the respondents take the survey, the data will be summarized and will be analyzed. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The study is on a method that answered the research questions. Non-Probability Sampling Techniques was used in terms of selecting the samples that will be participating in the study. A judgmental, expert or purposive sampling was used for selecting the participants of the study by setting up both close-ended and open-ended questions for the participants to answer the surveys provided. The first step for the methodology was, creating a survey questionnaire that focused on gathering data from the freelance video editors that are monetized in their profession. The second step was, collecting the data from the respondents and the last step was, interpreting the data gathered from the respondents to know the Stability of the Compensation on Freelance Video Editors from Mapua University. For the first part of the survey, the researchers asked for the respondent’s general information their monetization status. The age group that the researcher has collected were mostly from ages 20-30. One respondent has an age of 21 and is the youngest, this respondent started earning from video editing at the age of 17 and almost done with his bachelor’s degree of Digital Cinema. A respondent aged at 28 is the oldest respondent and is currently employed in a digital media production company yet considers himself as a freelance video editor. This implies that the working class were young and can be productive as Freelance video editors. Below are the figures of the said data that was collected. The said questions are as follows: A. School Figure 1: School In this section figure 1 illustrates 100% of the respondents are from Mapua University - Intramuros campus. Two of the respondents is already working in a digital media production company, and one respondent is still finishing their bachelor’s degree in Digital Cinema in Mapua University. All of the respondents have participated in Cinemapua. B. What kind of Freelancer do you consider yourself? Figure 2: Kind of Freelancer The researcher found out that 66.7% of the respondents were full-time freelance video editors and 33.3% was only a part-time. This data authenticates and will fully grasp the credibility of the findings because the majority of the respondents are well experienced and knowledgeable in the freelance entrepreneurial culture here in the Philippines. C. How much do you earn as a freelance video editor? Figure 3: Earnings as a Freelance Video Editor When asked regarding their capability to earn money from freelance video editing, one respondent answered that he earns a sufficient amount of money from video editing, another respondent answered that he earns an average amount of money from video editing, and the last respondent answered that he earns an insufficient amount of money from video editing. These participants are very distinctive from one another given that two of the respondents are a full-time freelance video editor and only one of them is a part-time. Their ability to earn revenue is not alike suggesting that freelance video editors’ capability of earning revenue is unstable. D. Do you think video editors are undervalued and belittled nowadays? Figure 4: Perception of Clients When the researcher asked regarding the perception of clients or employers to Freelance Video Editors, the majority of the respondents agreed with this dilemma that freelance video editors face on a daily basis. The first respondents answered that freelancers were undervalued but not belittled. “Editing is easier to learn these days, dahil sa mga tutorials that can be found anywhere and editing software including editing machines are more accessible. In short, marami na kasing "Overnight Experts.†– Mr. Fernandez The second responded answered that some of the clients and/or employers are billeting the video editing profession because of the perception of video editing being an easy task. “sadly, some video editors are making their "talent fee" small, for me it will result to making video editor under paid and will blow the standard rate of video editors.†– Mr. Blancaflor. The last respondent was asked regarding the perception of clients, he stated that freelance video editors here in the Philippines is somewhat undervalued because most clients assume that video editing is simply cutting off footage and exporting them. “They don't see other factors associated with editing such as decision-making, symbolism, visual cause-effect logic, narrativity, etc. In addition, various video editing apps are available in computer/mobile-based apps, making them think that these are do-able by any.†– Tagulalac. These observations agree to the dilemma that freelance video editors face on a daily basis that they are undervalued at some point. This result reflects that the perception of clients towards freelance video editors here in the Philippines is unbalanced. E. Should video editors earn a lot more than the average rate they currently earn? Figure 5: Higher Earnings When asked regarding about the monetization if video editors should earn more than the average rate they currently earn, all respondents agreed with the question. This result reflects on the predicament situations that freelance video editors here in the Philippines commonly come across throughout their careers, as their ability to gain revenue is inconsistent and hope for a better compensation that they currently earn. This data proves that freelance video editors here in the Philippines earns an unsatisfactory amount of revenue from their creative profession. F. Is it true that there is a dilemma around freelance video editors not being paid fairly? Figure 6: The truth about the dilemma within freelancers When asked regarding the dilemma within freelance video editors here in the Philippines not being paid fairly exists in the realm of the video editing or media careers, only one respondent answered true. The other 2 respondents had other answers in mind. The 2nd respondent stated that “I think it is in the gray area, because some get paid right, and others doesn’t get paid that much.†The last respondent expresses that “The dilemma is not being paid equally but rather not paid fairly.†This result suggests that there is an existing imbalance in the distribution or allocation of client’s payment to freelance video editors here in the Philippines. The term imbalance was utilized because other media production companies and several clients are paying equally and fairly to their freelancers. However, there are still handful of clients as well as companies that does not compensate fairly. Overall, the researcher learned through the perspective of the freelance video editors who experienced the buried dilemma that they come across throughout their profession. The researcher learned that the stability of the compensation of the freelance video editors were inconsistent with the allocation of the wages and had underlying factors to consider why it had an imbalance compensation and an unstable perception of clients towards freelance video editors. 1.) The respondents agreed that freelance video editors are somewhat underestimated because of the availability of the tutorials from YouTube or other materials that can be found anywhere, and editing software are more accessible nowadays. This creates an impression that video editing is an easy-going task and career. Moreover, clients tend to overlook video editor’s proposed rates especially when they just started as a freelancer because they don’t have adequate experience and it would depend on the video editor’s existing portfolio. 2.) Some are misjudging the video editing job, because they have created an intuition of video editing is easy, and anyone can do video editing. 3.) There are several video editors that reduces their rate to clients intentionally just to acquire the project. Thus, making the video editor under paid and would depreciate the standard rate of video editors, again, making an impression that video editing is inexpensive and can be afforded by every client. 4.) Freelance video editors are being “lowballed†by clients just to get a certain project. Hence, decreasing the overall price range of the video editing. However, respondents suggested that it would be the best for freelance video editors to implement their own monetary rate to justify their work rather than clients sets the rate of your exerted creative effort. It is fair for freelance video editors, the factors in coming up with a range for their rate is only accessible to the editor. This includes experience, portfolio, education, awards among other things. It also provides the editor and his talent worth, though It's a wearing process to justify when clients ask why rates are high because occasionally when the video editor doesn't have too much experience, they will think that your rate is cheaper. it's better to just pick and reject offers. IV. CONCLUSION The results of the survey provide some of the first empirical data particularly by documentation about their perspectives on the stability of the compensation of freelance video editors from Mapua University. The survey questionnaire obtained information from working-class freelancers. The survey data provided evidence on how the compensation of freelance video editors were unstable and inconsistent. While useful, the results of the survey must be viewed with caution because of the possible response bias. In addition, a few of the questions could have been interpreted in multiple ways. Despite the delimitations, the researchers believe that the data obtained in this study offers valuable insights and new information. In the first research question, the researcher concluded that most of the beliefs of the respondents where all the same as they all agree on the perception of their profession is truthful and it seems that this perception is yet to be removed in the future as discussed in the results. In the second research question, with the help of the respondents, the researcher concluded the underlying factors that needs to be considered on why is there an imbalance allocation of wages on freelance video editors. According to the results, the most common factor that affects the clients is the impression that has been created ever since video editing became a profession, that video editing is an easy task given that various video editing apps are available in computer/mobile-based apps, making them think that these are do-able by any. In the third research question, the researcher concluded that, it is highly advisable to implement their own monetary rate to justify their artistry and creative effort they have exerted to their clients. While it is a fair move, it is ideal that before pursuing a freelance career, video editors should put in mind that they need adequate experience and an impressive portfolio to uphold their privileges so they can have the capacity to raise their rates with their clients. Overall, the survey findings suggest that there is considerable support of the oversight that rely on the responsible conduct of research. The other findings that this research has come up with is intended to aid future researches that are to be conducted, as well as the results garnered from this research especially the answers of the survey questionnaires. V. RECOMMENDATION The paper closes with the researcher’s recommendations for furthering education and outreach activities that are based on the findings of the survey and its own judgements and analysis. While useful, the results of the survey must be viewed with caution because of the possible response bias. In addition, a few of the questions could have been interpreted in multiple ways. Despite the delimitations, the researchers believe that the data obtained in this study offer valuable insights and new information. Future researchers including future media practitioners may increase the number of respondents or consider other respondents who are knowledgeable and took “media related courses†for further information particularly for gathering the data to certify the validation of the study. They should consider possible strategies to empower video editors in the Philippines in order for them to justify their creative work. Future researchers should also reconsider the other findings of this research, which is the underlying factors that affects their compensation as a research question in order for them to further amplify the findings that were made in this research but was not prioritized. I would also suggest researchers to further study with reliable freelance respondents that is knowledgeable about the research topic tackling the comparison of the allocation of their compensation then and now, and also exploring both external and internal factors that were heavily affected by the issue. For the study itself, the researcher would suggest a larger number of respondents and not based on a smaller number of respondents. Instead of conducting a survey questionnaire to a small number of respondents, a 1-on-1 interview with the respondents would also provide more credibility and acquire more specific and well-detailed answers from the respondents. Acknowledgment I personally would like to thank first the Lord, in helping and guiding me through this difficult process. My family who helped me cognitively and motivated me during the making of this research paper. I would also like to thank my friends who helped me when I don't know what to do next. And of course, the respondents who allowed me to use their answers as my guide in the study and contributed many as they were the ones who gave me a perception of the study in the most understandable way. For this achievement, I give back all the glory and praises to the Father Almighty. References [1] Blancada, A. (2019). Daily Diaries: A Day in the Life of a Freelance Video Editor. ABS-CBN Lifestyle. Retrieved from [2] Burke, A. (2011). The Entrepreneurship Enabling Role of Freelancers: Theory with Evidence from the Construction Industry. International Review of Entrepreneurship. Retrieved from [3] Creswell, John. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed-Method Approaches. Retrieved from [4] Crossman, A. (2018). Understanding Purposive Sampling: An Overview of the Method and Its Applications. Retrieved from Short Description This research was conducted with the aim to determine the stability of the compensation of freelance video editors from Mapúa University; to further uncover the underlying factors that affect their compensation, analyze the perspectives of currently monetized freelance video editors towards the issue, and to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of their wages.
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